Saturday, July 1, 2023


How not to make a mistake when buying a kids birthday outfit online

Birthday Cakes like the Birthday Outfits are an integral part of the birthday celebration. Planning for the big day starts for many parents on the day their precious baby arrives, for others not until later but you should start gathering the ideas and components at least 6 months before the big day. Doing it this way will avoid that rushed feeling and the shipping terrors associated with deliveries that are date sensitive.

You want to make sure you research all the different things that make up a 1st birthday celebration. If you want to make the cake yourself, you will want to test out the recipes and the decorating techniques to make sure of the outcome. Likewise, other foods that you may be planning to serve, if they are not family favoites, test them out. Make sure they are easy enough to prepare and that they taste good. The Birthday Day is not a time for culinary surprises.

The decoration, there are many sources of decorations but I have found that the cutest decorations and the most affordable ones are imported, and imported means a longer shipping time, so plan ahead. Always give about 30-45 days for the shipping. You will be glad you did. I offer party decorations and ideas for the 1st Birthday Party on my website but there are a number of other good sources for party decor, just remember- no matter where you order from give plenty of time for shipping.

Select the venue and determine the booking policies of your chosen venue. Make sure you understand their cancellation ploicies, just in case. If you run into an issue and need to change the date you want to know ahead of time what the policies are for your venue.

Now for the big one. The birthday outfit . What are you going to choose for your baby to wear as his/her 1st birthday outfit? How do you select the best birthday outfit. You could go to your local department store and choose from the selection they offer but this option will get you a generic outfit that could be worn for any occasion. Stepping up to the world of custom made birthday outfits. It can be a bit intimidating to navigate the wide range of 1st birthday outfits that are available. The themes are almost endless and the prices range from cheap to upper end. Outfits in the $20s to outfits in the $100s. Where to begin and how to make sure you don't end up getting burned!

Take your time and investigate! Reach out and speak to the seller. Ask questions, and make sure you understand what you are purchasing. There are any number of sham sites out there and you want to make sure you don't fall victim to them. How? Well start with the http: vs the https: If the site you are shopping on doesn't have the https: and the little padlock in the address bar at the top of your screen, STOP! run the other way. You never want to give your money to a site without the https: designation, it is not safe. Next look for their reviews and reputation, yes there are fake reviews and things are often not what they seem. But check them out. Next look at what they are offering, have you seen the same outfit offered elsewhere at a higher price maybe? What looks like a bargain can end up being a big costly mistake. Do the photos of the outfits look uniform and are any watermarks the marks of that company or are they watermarks for different companies? This is a dead giveaway that the outfit pictured has been stolen from another website. If you buy from these sites you will either lose your money or receive a much inferior product. Don't be afraid to contact sites and ask questions. If you see an outfit that is beyond gorgeous and it is priced at $40.00 it's a scam. The old adage "You get what you pay for" is very true. Be careful and do your research. Make sure you are dealing with a reputable company. Make sure they accept credit cards and not just PayPal or if they ask you to wire the money directly. That's a red flag.

Some of the cutest 1st birthday outfits are available from, I have been in business for over 10 years. I offer everything from Minnie Mouse outfits for 1st birthday to Construction theme 1st birthday outfits for your baby boy. I can make an outfit to match any of the popular themes. CocoMelon 1st Birthday Outfit, Winter Onederland Birthday Outfit. Princess Jasmine Outfit, Lion King 1st Birthday Outfit or something completly different. You can feel confident that your little one's 1st birthday outfit will be made with care using the best materials available. Contact me at I will be happy to discuss your plans for you little ones up coming birthday.


What is all the fuss about 1st birthdays anyway? Isn't it just a birthday like any other and does your baby even care about any of this? The answer is no and no. First Birthdays are once in a lifetime events and that makes them special. This is a time and opportunity to make lasting family memories and mark a major milestone in your child's life. One of the things that bring families closer is the making of lasting memories. Years from now as your child grows, pictures, and videos from this major event will always be a source of joy for you. whether you choose a small intimate gathering, a huge blowout event, or something in between, it is important to record this milestone in your child's life. 

No, your baby has no idea what all the fuss is about at this early point of their lives but when they have the opportunity to look at pictures and/or videos of the event, they will see the love of your family for themselves and for the rest of the family.  Look at it as a celebration of your child. Later birthday parties will focus on the child and their friends this 1st birthday milestone is about YOU and your baby. That is what this is all about!

So, how does one go about planning and executing a perfect 1st birthday event? You don't!!!! There is no such thing as the "perfect 1st birthday party"
There will be hiccups and mishaps but don't let that get in your way. Make a plan and follow your plan as closely as possible and you will be fine.
The first thing you need to do is decide what type of event you would like to host. Go to

to check out the beautiful outfits. This will give you some ideas on your choice of a party theme  There will be photos of party theme ideas courtesy of Kara's Party Ideas there are so many beautiful parties there it will be hard to select one!  

Once you have determined the type and size of the event, you can choose the theme and the 1st birthday outfit. Next, it will be on to the 1st birthday party decorations. There are many places to shop for party decorations. It really depends on the event you have planned and your budget. You can go all the way from the local dollar store to high-end dedicated party stores. Head once again where you will find more information and a list of vendors. By all means, this is not an exhaustive list, there are many others but it is a place to start. 

Now just a few basic ground rules to keep you headed in the right direction:

1.Guest List

Making your baby happy and watching him enjoy himself is the top priority when it comes to birthdays, having an extensive guest list can be over stimulating, as babies are very aware of their surroundings, having a huge crowd can  be startling for them. So make sure to invite your close relatives and family members that your child is familiar with along with others so that your child will feel safe and content.

  • 2.Pick a birthday baby theme

In order to ease your planning process, choosing a party theme can grant you an overall perspective on how to make everything come together, It's really is quite simple, it can be based around an animal that your baby loves, a cartoon character that they’ve shown interest in, or simply a cute or a fun concept, like hot air balloons ballerinas, princesses, or anything that you think your baby would enjoy experiencing. You can also just pick something you like! After all your baby has limited experience in this. 

  • 3.Choose an outfit for the birthday Girl/Boy

Whether it’s a tutu with a colorful top, Disney themed outfit or a custom made ensemble for your baby boy, you have to make sure that your baby looks stylish and extra cute while they celebrate this important milestone in their life, and plus, it’ll make for great pictures to look back on.

  • 4.Make sure to cater to everyone of all ages

Baby proof your house! If that’s not already done, your guests would definitely appreciate some gates to protect their little ones from climbing on the stairs or reaching places that they shouldn’t be in, as for the adults, make sure to provide good food and a little buffet of sweets!

  • 5.Be snappy with the pictures

Before it gets all messy and crowded, make sure to take pictures of your little one in his cute outfit, with a 1st birthday balloon or a sign that shows his or her age, while he is all clean and fresh looking, because when the guests arrive, you’ll be too busy hosting and welcoming everyone! You might consider hiring or appointing a photographer for these oh so important  

  • 1.Cut down on the number of guests who are invited

Making your baby happy and watching him enjoy himself is the top priority when it comes to birthdays, having an extensive guest list can only do harm, as babies are not very aware of their surroundings, having a huge crowd can only be startled them or can lead to unnecessary hissy fits, so make sure to only invite your close relatives and family members, And have an intimate party that would keep your baby calm and happy.

  • 2.Pick a birthday baby theme

In order to ease your planning process, choosing a party theme can grant you An overall perspective on how to do things, And it's quite simple it can be wrapped around an animal that your baby loves, a cartoon character that they’ve shown interest in, Or simply a cute or a fun Concept that you think kids would enjoy experiencing.

  • 3.Choose a suitable fun outfit for the birthday Girl/Boy

Whether it’s a tutu with a colorful top, Disney themed outfit or a custom made ensemble for your baby boy, you have to make sure that your baby looks stylish and extra cute while they celebrate this important milestone in their life, and plus, it’ll make for great pictures to look back on.

  • 4.Make sure to cater to everyone of all ages

Baby proof your house! If that’s not already done, your guests would definitely appreciate some gates to protect their little ones from climbing on the stairs or reaching places that they shouldn’t be in, as for the adults, make sure to provide good food and a little buffet of sweets!

  • 5.Be snappy with the pictures

Before it gets all messy and crowded, make sure to take pictures of your little one in his cute outfit, with a 1st birthday balloon or a sign that shows his or her age, while he is all clean and fresh looking, because when the guests arrive, you’ll be too busy hosting and welcoming everyone!

  • 6.Colorful and amusing decorations

Babies love colors, and fun things that captivate their attention, so make sure to play with colors, although minimalism is king in adult parties, your baby 1st birthday party should only be filled with all the colors of the rainbow, from unicorns, animal-shaped balloons, to colorful cups, color is always a good idea.

  • 7.Hire someone or appoint someone to photograph/videotape the party

Home videos are the only thing that gets us back to our childhood memories, and it never fails to make us smile, hiring a professional to videotape the party is definitely a great decision to make if you want your baby to look back on how fun you made his or her party seem, and what hey dressed and most of all, how you all looked like, time flies but it can be caught on video as a nice souvenir. But an appointed/designated photographer will do the job just fine.

  • 8.Consider getting a babysitter

While this is definitely a privilege and not a necessity, hiring a babysitter can make organizing the birthday way more manageable, the kids will have an extra eye to look after them, and the parents can just enjoy themselves and let loose.

9.Enjoy yourself!

Planning birthdays can definitely be hard on you, all that stress to make everything perfect can make one forget the real reason for the celebration; your little baby is finally ONE! Make sure to enjoy this one in a lifetime opportunity because they sure do grow up fast, try to let it seep in, don't stress yourself, and enjoy!

And with that, our tips for a remarkable and memorable 1st birthday party for your baby girl or boy have concluded, we hope that you implement them and theywill be of great help to you

Planning birthdays can definitely be hard on you, all that stress to make everything perfect can make one forget the real reason for the celebration; your little baby is finally ONE! Make sure to enjoy this one in a lifetime opportunity because they sure do grow up fast, try to let it seep in, don't stress yourself, and enjoy!

Moana 2nd Birthday Outfit


Moana 2nd Birthday Outfit girl, available from LittleKeikiBoutiki
These custom birthday outfits are handmade and perfect for your little one's Birthday Celebration. Stop by see more delightful outfits for 1st 2nd and 3rd Birthdays. 

 **How to Pick the Perfect *Cute First Birthday Outfit* for Your Little One** Your baby’s first birthday is a huge milestone, and finding th...